Monday 15 February 2016


Want to start a beauty parlour at home and be your own boss? How much investment one need to start a beauty saloon business by own?
These days everyone including both men and women used to go to a beauty salon or beauty parlour for hair cutting, message, pedicure, threading and many other services.
Although there might be a hair cutting boy or barber in your locality, but people started liking to spend some time weekly or in 15 days in a sophisticated & well equipped saloon to get relaxed. But still women are the major customers of those saloons.

How to start a beauty parlour at home
Now a day’s demand of these saloons or beauty  is increasing day by day. Many big brands are already operating in huge scale. Even local business is also doing very good.
This is a flexible and easy to start business from your home itself, similar to running a home based recruitment consultancy. If you are little bit trained or a well trained beautician, then you can start providing these services from your home itself
Initially you might start with few customers in your locality or colony itself. Let’s discuss here everything about starting a saloon at home step by step.
1. First of all you should be a trained or certified beautician to gain customers faith. Otherwise you may not get good and regular customers. Decide where you will you arrange these set up. May be you can prepare any of your empty or less used room. There you can display your certificate of expertise. For a start up we are considering you are the only one to manage the whole thing.
2. Next you have to purchase all the basic equipment s of a beauty parlour  For that you have to spend a healthy amount. Few of the equipment s are first aid box, Scissors, combs, hair dryers, cotton wool, bowls, dispensers, disposable gloves, equipment cleaner, sponges, relaxing music, tissues, towels etc. you have to be prepared with that money to spend for your business start up. Don’t spend much but buy all the basic equipment s to support all your services smoothly.
3. To start a beauty parlour at home, initially one might have to invest an amount of 1-2 lakh max as per your services that you are planning to provide. Later when you move your business to a shop then you have to spend more for the establishment and look. But overall the investment to start a beauty parlour is not that much that one have to take some loan.
4. Set up a time for your customers. If you are a home maker and don’t have anyone else to support your house hold work, you can choose a time may be after 12:00 pm or in the afternoon time. but try to schedule a 3-4 hours of span for your beauty parlour.

5. You might also provide service by visiting customers home. In that way you can work beyond your fix timings, if you get time. And also this will improve your social presence as well as promote your business.
6. Spread about your beauty parlour locally by giving a simple print advertisement with newspaper. This will not cost you much. You can take those print advertisements and provide to newspaperman to distribute them with newspaperman  You might also give advertisement in local cable TV. Repeat the same based on response. When you start receiving customers, show them your dedication towards your work so that they can be pleased and tell other women near to their home. This is the best advertisement for a home business, especially women concentric service businesses.
7. Don’t try to provide all the services, which may not control in later on. Provide only those few services in which you are 100% confident and expert. Later on you might hire someone else to help you or based on some specific demand you can hire some expert beautician also.
8. Think about a beautiful name for your beauty parlour and then print some brochure with every details & services include in that for customers. Give this brochure to your entire customer who visited first time to your beauty parlour  Initially you don’t have to think too about your beauty parlour registration and other documentation. Try your level best to improve service and number of custome
When you observe that, your beauty parlour has now gained a serious reputation and also receiving handsome number of customers daily, then you may take the next step to rent/buy a shop nearby your locality. And then set up your own beauty parlour providing more services from morning 10AM – 9PM, whatever timing you want. Then you have to consider all the normal business factors and also have to register your business.

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